Eastside Snaps Part II

I had a checklist going prior to our Taiwan trip, most of the items on the list, of course, were food related, besides the usual touristy spots in Taipei, we weren't expecting knocking-our-socks-off scenery from the mountain and the beach, (being from SoCal, we thought we had those covered), but we couldn't be more wrong, it's the one thing Taiwan caught us completely off guard. Dare I say, even better than Hawaii.  Milky turquoise blue water, against the greenest mountains we had ever seen, the tour bus drove through hours of breathtaking views, photo stops were many, I was beyond smitten.

marble mountains, taroko gorge

marble mountains, taroko gorge

Eastside Snaps Part I.

Back from a short vacation from Taiwan, we ate, toured, explored, hung out with the mister's family, ate, then ate some more. Despite the non-stop food coma, jetlag, humidity, long bus rides, and my mosquito molested legs, Taiwan completely and utterly blew me away, the people, food, snack culture, night markets, picture-perfect beaches, lush mountains...it might just be my favorite travel spot to date. We spent 5 day 4 nights on an around the island tour, with the rest of the time spent in Taipei, I boarded the return flight, already plotting my hopefully soon return visit. 

Now onto the pictures before I ramble on (All of the photos below are taken with my iPhone)

Mister's grandmother, the most fabulous 94 year old, ever. 

Mister's grandmother, the most fabulous 94 year old, ever.