Autumn Adventures in Philadelphia. pt. 1
Hello from Philly! It's a cold and rainy one here today, and since I'm rain-ready-footwear less, I decided to curl up in the cozy hotel room and give this blog a little update.
And of course, it's going to be a photo heavy one. Here's part 1.
The Independence Hall
Liberty Bell, I was at all expecting to get emotional, but being an immigrant from a country where the quest for human rights and freedom is more or less like chasing unicorns, I definitely felt the butterflies.
Philadelphia Museum of Art + The Rocky Steps
Obligatory photo requested by the husband. The Comcast Center.
It's fall here, FALL!! Los Angeles was supposedly 88 degrees today :/
Purple Yam Hummus from Dizenoff on Sansom Street. THEEE BOMB DOT COM
Then this pair of tourists ended up here. The smell outside of this place, DIVINE.
Original Philly Cheesesteak with Provolone.
Cobblestone road, and that light <3
That lead us here: THE FRANKLIN FOUNTAIN!
The Franklin Mint
It's been for about a week so far, we are really enjoying the city. The food, the history, and our hotel being smack center of the shopping district :P.. But despite the power of Face-Time, I am going through a major case of AydenButton withdrawal :/
The heart tugger himself, on his 6th birthday last month. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
pt. 2 to come